In Our Right Minds!
Gather the Women Global Matrix
invites you to
Dale Allen's presentation of
'In Our Right Minds!'
Wednesdays from
January 4 - March 22, 2023
Dale explores humanity's shift from balance to a dominance of left-brain perspective.
We, your Healing Fire Tenders, are very aware when you open to new information,
most likely the new will stir up old experiences,
and even challenge ideas you hold as 'truth' or "normal".
This stirring up opens the door for a healing journey.
Even when the new brings hope and inspiration, doubt or fear may appear.
Having healing processes in your medicine bag supports the journey to clarity.
For this reason, we plan to give you a weekly process during your
In Our Right Minds experience.
We will explain each during our weekly circle and point you to a download link
with more details and instructions.
In the meantime, after you register you will be sent an email with a welcome letter
and a letter from the circle of healers.
Register now to avoid missing out on this unique opportunity!
Registration closes December 15, 2022.