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Monthly Circles

Welcome to Gather the Women!
Over the years, we have been successful in creating the global matrix our Founding Mothers envisioned. You are invited to attend any or all of the listed circles and we look forward to seeing you there. We have a very long table and welcome you to come sit with us. We have been waiting for your voice.

Our circles have always been free, but as a non-profit organization, we dependent on donations and your help to keep them that way. There is an organization-based cost attached to every circle we provide and we turn to you to help us continue to grow and serve all our sisters. Should you wish to donate, please navigate to our Donate page, located in the menu above, or by clicking the Donate button below.

Please note that for privacy reasons, and to protect all women who attend our circles, we do not publish the Zoom login information. Please sign up for the
GTW Newsletter and/or join the GTW Facebook Page to receive the Zoom information for our circles.

Gather the Women Global Matrix has more sisters sitting in circles around the world than ever before. All you need to do is show up, bring your talking piece, and put your voice or your silence, into circle.

Welcome Home, Sister. We have been waiting for you!

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