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Nadine (Nay) Bell

Nadine (Nay) Bell

Communications & Marketing Convener | Co-Webmistress

I came to Gather the Women through a friend. In 2018 I attended the Canadian GTW Retreat in Ontario and have never looked back. I could be myself, felt heard, and was held and supported. I knew then that I wanted to get involved but didn't know how. I filled out the volunteer survey and jumped into the Communications and Marketing (C&M) Circle to use my knowledge of social media, publications, and design. I have worked in healthcare communications for the last 24 years and when I volunteered, it has been in public relations/communications. I have also volunteered as Stage Manager/Producer in Community Theatre and enjoy singing karaoke and women's Barbershop. I am a widow and live with my companion, a chocolate labradoodle named Rosie. I am humbled and grateful to be part of GTW and look forward to sharing and promoting this organization with more women around the world.

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