Judith Hurley Prosser
Circle Convener
Since the age of 4, when she learned she couldn’t be in cub scouts because she was a girl, Judith has been a feminist, working to empower herself and other women as equals in our culture.
In the Fall of 2002 she received an email from Marilyn Nyborg, a co-founder of Gather the Women, inviting her to attend a circle to see what needed to be done to Gather the Women in Nevada County, California. She heard the call then, and 22 years, hundreds of circles, and seven Annual Gatherings later, she is still being called.
Judith had the honor of being the USA Circle Coordinator Convener for a little over a year in 2020-2021. In that timeframe she became one of the lead Fire Tenders for Circle Conversations and continues in that position today, as well as being a Fire Tender for the C&M newsletter circle.
Returning to the Convener Circle is a homecoming for Judith. Her vast experience in circle and leadership in GTW, her vision of empowerment for all women, her many connections with GTW’s circle leaders, and her desire to be a catalyst for change make her the perfect person to be a liaison between the Conveners and the women attending circles. She looks forward to visiting your circles soon.