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Debbie King

Debbie King

Treasurer Convener | Co-Webmistress

We get to know each other through our stories. Let me introduce myself with a modification of a phrase I recently read on Instagram: I am chasing enlightenment, but mostly I’m chasing my own tail! And around and around and around I go. 😊


It is difficult for me to talk about myself. The easy thing to say is, “I’m retired”, “I’m a mom”, “I’m a ___ (fill in the blank). But those hats I wear don’t really represent who I am and who I want to be. The truth is, I am an earthly pilgrim with celestial aspirations, learning the language of the universe, one experience at a time. And honestly, most of those experiences have been wonderful and some have been really tough! I’m sure you understand!


The best way to describe myself is this: I have a balance of opposites in me. I am both introverted and extroverted, creative and analytical, strong and sensitive, compassionate and tough, nonconformist and structured. I have many identities: a mom, a daughter, a wife, an aunt, a niece, a friend, and more. But at my core, I am a soul enjoying this adventure called earth, which is mostly wonderful and sometimes really hard.


I could share many stories from my Book of Life with you, but what I want to say now, is that our stories are how we connect with each other. When we tell our stories and speak our truths, we inspire others. By being open and honest with other women, we reveal our true selves and can invite them to do the same. In doing so, we have created a safe space for them to be themselves with us. This is what Gather the Women is to me: a safe place for me and other women to come together in circle in a space where we can be ourselves without judgment or criticism. My love language is to serve and help others, so I am ready to lend a hand when someone needs me or when I can use my skills to make a difference. This is why I’ve joined the GTW Leadership Circle. I can't wait to meet you!

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